Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Some firsts for Melissa

This past weekend Melissa and I traveled to my homeland (Blackford County Indiana) for my home church's Fall Festival. The festival is a fundraiser for the expansion of their worship facilities. This was Melissa's first auction that she has ever attended. I made her do the bidding which was interesting considering the fact that she raised her own bid. No biggie though...it was for a good cause. As for Melissa's firsts...the auction was only one of many this weekend.

The first thing that we did over the weekend was a corn maze...a haunted corn maze. I have never laughed so hard. Unfortunatley, they did not allow cameras in the maze so I do not have pics of the actual event to share with you. Not even five minutes into the maze a man in black jumped out from the corn and scared the daylights out of my mother and Melissa. Mom ran from the man and in her terror fell to the ground. I thought nothing could top watching my mother roll on the ground in fear. However...only moments later the same man scared Melissa so much that she fell to the ground as well. She was so scared! It was so funny! When she got up she just buried her face in my chest...nearing tears. It was quite amusing.

The fear left Melissa's eyes, as you can see, shortly after the haunted maze.

On Saturday, I went to the golf course while Melissa met my mom after work to head to Hobby Lobby to get decorations for Fall. This is the most impressive first for Melissa in her eyes. To meet my mom, she had to drive to town which consists of driving 7 miles through the country. Melissa, growing up in the overpopulated towns of Southern California, never had this opportunity and still does not understand how the road numbers work. But...she was successful in not getting lost. Good job Liss!

Melissa had yet another first this weekend...in this very field:

Yes...Melissa rode in a combine! She was so excited to climb into such a large machine and be a part of the harvest. She even ate a soybean straight from the field...which had little flavor.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Trish's Wedding

We had the opportunity to go to the wedding of Melissa's college roommate and great friend about a week ago. We had a great time. Their wedding was absolutely beautiful and aside from the unity candle refusing to light and another candle falling over (which was quite amusing) everything went well. Here are some pictures from the wedding in Kansas.

A little out of focus but...very artistic if I do say so myself.

In the midst of their vows under the cross...which is the only place to be...at the foot of the cross.

The lighting of the unity candle...again under the cross. I see a theme here.

Melissa with the bride and Grace.

Melissa with a hug for the bride. Isn't she beautiful? Oh...Trish is beautiful too! ;)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Hello! Welcome to your portal to Wilmore Kentucky. Melissa and I moved here in January in the pursuit of God's will for our lives. I (Tony) am attending Asbury Theological Seminary and I am enjoying every minute of it. Melissa works at the seminary and since we live on campus she has a two minute walking commute to work.

God has blessed us immensly and continues to do so. We hope that in our sharing of God's amazing work in our lives...you too can be blessed. May God's love for you shine on you like it has us.

By the way...the address of this blog (dolfans) comes from our unending devotion to the greatest team there ever was, and ever will be...the Miami Dolphins.