Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Maggie's First Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter this year. I had such a great time dressing her up and getting her Easter Basket ready...and she enjoyed getting into them. Her nana made her a beautiful little dress and her grammy bought her a cute little sweater...and she loved it. She knew how adorable she looked. She enjoyed playing with all her new little toys...especially her new sunglasses!

Now at 6 months, Maggie is so much fun. She has such a great personality. Always happy and always smiling! She just wants to talk and play constantly. And we love it. Just hearing her laugh brings me such great joy. I just can't get enough of her.
Just seeing her smile and hearing her laugh makes me feel so good. Like we must be doing something right. I can honestly say I've never seen a baby so happy all the time. We have been so blessed. This is the great life that God has given us.

Friday, January 25, 2008

God is so Good!!!!!!!

After several months of time-consuming preparation and high stress levels, Tony finally had his interview for commissioning. To his surprise, (but nobody else's) he did very well. You see, we were a little concerned because we were informed that there was a limit to the number of candidates that the Conference could approve. Being commissioned guarantees full-time appointment, however, non-commissioned guarantees nothing. I strongly feel that I am called to be a stay-at-home mom, and that is something that we both really want me to be able to do. However, not being commissioned would greatly reduce that possibility, whereas being commissioned would guarantee that I could stay home!

After continuous prayer we got an answer that we can both live with. On Wednesday night, we were informed that Tony has been approved for commissioning and will officially be commissioned on May 31 at the Annual Conference for the North Indiana Conference of the UMC. This is a huge blessing and an answer to many prayers. Not only does this mean that he is guaranteed a full-time appointment, it also means that I can stay home with Maggie once we move. We are thrilled!

Once again, God has blessed us immensely. To all those who were praying for us in this process, thank you!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love my birthday; and I love recieving birthday greetings, whethter it be a gift, a card, or a simple "happy birthday". While at work on my birthday (and feeling a little depressed abobut that) I recieved this greeting, and it made my day! I do have to say, out of all these 26 years, this tops all other greetings I've ever gotten. I love my little family! They are my world. Thank you for making my day!